(TRH1N-ZA)Humbucker pickup Tonerider Rocksong - posizione manico - colore zebra
Nota: I battipenna, alcune meccaniche e alcune placche sono ricoperti da una plastica protettiva e sulle foto possono sembrare graffiati o rovinati.Rocksong Set - TRH1
Overwound pickups that do everything from Larry Carlton to Van Halen.
Used by some of the world’s leading custom guitar makers, our Rocksong set is the perfect hybrid vintage set. This set retains 100% of the boutique hand-wound tone that players demand.
The neck pickup is smooth and sustainful - perfect everything from jazz to distortion saturated rock. The bridge pickup is based on a super-charged PAF, offering power and dynamics with a clear top end.
- The all-round vintage-improved package - great sustain, smooth, powerful, with the brightness and tonal complexity of boutique handwound pickups.
- Available in black or zebra, or with highly polished gold or silver covers
- DC Resistance: 8.0k (neck), 12k (bridge)
- Magnets: Alnico II
Through a Laney 100W Head and Cab |
Through a Hot Rod Deluxe |
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